Tube Toy Remake
The Story:
My kids have a building toy known as "Tube Toys". They are little pipe/tube shaped toys that interlock with each other end to end. I couldn't resist trying to see if I could measure and model these tubes precisely enough for them to interlock properly. I used calipers to measure the inner diameter, outer diameter, etc. until I felt I had precise enough measurements. I then used those measurements to remake them in CAD and sent them to my Ender 3 for printing. I was amazed how well it worked out. They are almost a perfect match, and as seen below, the old and new tubes fit into each other perfectly.
Almost indiscernible tube toys
Almost indiscernible tube toys
Bucket of Tube Toys
Bucket of Tube Toys
Old and New Interlocking Tube Toys
Old and New Interlocking Tube Toys
Precise Caliper Measurements
Precise Caliper Measurements